
Privacy Policy

Welcome to JAMATTU

These terms and conditions and Privacy Policy diagram the rules and regulations for the utilization of JAMATU Application, available for IOS and Android.

By getting to this application we expect you acknowledge these terms and conditions. Try not to keep on utilizing the application on the off chance that you don’t consent to take the entirety of the terms and conditions expressed on this page. 

The accompanying wording applies to these Terms and Conditions, Privacy Statement and Disclaimer Notice and all Agreements: “Client”, “You” and “Your” alludes to you, the individual sign on this website and consistent to the Company’s terms and conditions. “The Company”, “Ourselves”, “We”, “Our” and “Us”, alludes to our Company. “Gathering”, “Gatherings”, or “Us”, alludes to both the Client and ourselves. All terms allude to the offer, acknowledgment and thought of installment important to attempt the procedure of our help to the Client in the most fitting way for the express reason for addressing the Client’s needs in regard of arrangement of the Company’s expressed administrations, as per and subject to, Laws of India. Any utilization of the above phrasing or different words in the particular, plural, upper casing and additionally he/she or they, are taken as compatible and along these lines as alluding to same. These are the Terms and Conditions governing the use of this Service and the agreement that operates between You and the Company. These Terms and Conditions set out the rights and obligations of all users regarding the use of the Service.

Your access to and use of the Service is conditioned on Your acceptance of and compliance with these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions apply to all visitors, users and others who access or use the Service.

By accessing or using the Service You agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. If You disagree with any part of these Terms and Conditions then You may not access the Service.

Your access to and use of the Service is also conditioned on Your acceptance of and compliance with the Privacy Policy of the Company. Our Privacy Policy describes Our policies and procedures on the collection, use and disclosure of Your personal information when You use the Application or the Website and tells You about Your privacy rights and how the law protects You. Please read Our Privacy Policy carefully before using Our Service.


We involve the utilization of cookies. By getting to JAMATU, you consented to utilize cookies in concurrence with the JAMATU Privacy Policy. 

Most intuitive websites use cookies to let us recover the client’s subtleties for each visit. Cookies are utilized by our website to empower the usefulness of specific zones to make it simpler for individuals visiting our application.

Terms and Conditions 

Usage of JAMATU

Any person (“User“) accessing JAMATU or the JAMATU App (‘JAMATU platform’) for payment of various dues of a local shop having their regular loan accounts in form of pending payments for items, goods, food items, services etc purchased by them from a local shop shall be bound by these Terms and Conditions, and all other rules, regulations and terms of use referred to herein or provided by JAMATU in relation to any JAMATU Services.

JAMATU will be qualified for altering these Terms and Conditions, rules, guidelines and terms of utilization alluded to in this or gave by JAMATU comparable to any JAMATU Services, whenever, by posting the equivalent on JAMATU. Utilization of JAMATU establishes the user’s acknowledgment of such Terms and Conditions, rules, guidelines and terms of utilization alluded to in this or gave by JAMATU corresponding to any JAMATU Services, as might be changed every once in a while. JAMATU may, at its sole caution, additionally advise the User of any change or adjustment in these Terms and Conditions, rules, guidelines and terms of utilization alluded to thus or gave by JAMATU, by method for sending an email to the User’s registered email address or posting notifications in the User accounts. The User may then exercise the choices gave in such an email or notification to show rejection of the adjusted Terms and Conditions, rules, guidelines and terms of utilization alluded to in this or gave by JAMATU. On the off chance that such alternatives are not practiced by the User inside the time span endorsed in the email or notification, the User will be esteemed to have acknowledged the changed Terms and Conditions, rules, guidelines and terms of utilization alluded to in this or gave by JAMATU.

Certain JAMATU Services being given on JAMATU might be dependent upon extra rules and guidelines set down in that regard. To the degree that these Terms and Conditions are conflicting with the extra conditions set down, the extra conditions will win.

That, any of the transaction and records done through this platform or maintained on this platform are at your own risk and the platform JAMATU is not liable for the same. 

JAMATU is a third party service provider that helps you in keeping records and is not a party to any of the transactions done by the users.

JAMATU provides only One Unique QR code for both online payment and virtual entry (to get “Udhar”), it suggests that they have integrated these functionalities into a single QR code.The platform likely uses the same QR code to identify the user and process both payment and virtual entry requests. It streamlines the process for users, as they only need to deal with one QR code for multiple functionalities.As with any system, it’s essential to ensure the security and integrity of the QR code to prevent unauthorized access or misuse. The platform must have proper authentication and verification mechanisms to protect users’ data and financial transactions.Their solution is to give each shopkeeper a special QR code Or Barcode and other code and have customers register with their Aadhar card (KYC). When a customer wants to buy something, they scan the shop’s QR code and enter the amount. This creates a digital record of the transaction, so neither the shopkeeper nor the customer can cheat each other. App users can make online payment with our online payment gateway system and also pay by cash or cheque. This way, the customer can still buy items on credit without having to use their own mobile device. Thus, making a copy of the same with same strategy shall be violation of this clause and thus make the user/offender for liable for compensation for more than Rs. 10,00,000/- (INR) and also for permanent termination of his account or for any other legal measures/litigations.  

The Users might transfer data connecting with exchanges with their clients or connecting with their organizations, including the offer of labor and products, costs, sums paid and payable, and subtleties of labor and products, on the Platform (such data is alluded to as “Exchange Data”). Exchange Data might be traded between the Users and their clients through telephonic calls, instant message, WhatsApp, email, or other electronic mediums that would rely upon the contact subtleties of Users and their clients gave on the Platform.

At the hour of making or transferring the principal Exchange Data concerning their clients, the User will illuminate such clients regarding its utilization of the Platform to record such Exchange Data and Exchange Data connected with future exchanges and look for such client’s express assent in such manner and to:

The formation of a profile of the client on the Platform, which will require sharing such client’s telephone number and contact subtleties with the Company;

Get interchanges from the Company in regards to: 

Data connecting with their exchanges recorded on the Platform; 

demands for installment; 

Data about the Company and the Services; 

Limited time offers and services from the Company and its outsider accomplices, and 

Some other matter corresponding to the Services.

Assuming that such clients neglect to give assent, or pull out assent, the User will quickly fail to involve the Services corresponding to such clients.

The User will be exclusively liable for acquiring such assent from its clients and the Company will accept that such assent as expected under statement above is looked for and gotten by the User assuming that the User gives subtleties of such Exchange Data connecting with any of such clients whenever during the utilization of the Platform.

The utilization of the Services is at your only gamble. You recognise and concur that the Company isn’t taken part in the arrangement, award, or dispensing of any monetary item. The Company isn’t and won’t be answerable for any case or for any harms endured, whether by the Users, the clients of the Users or some other individual or party, that are connected, straightforwardly or in a roundabout way, to or emerge out of the equivalent including any instalments made by the User or by the clients of the User utilising the instalment interface created utilising the Platform. The User further concurs and attempts to hold verification of offer documentation (in electronic or actual structure) regarding every instalment connect it produces or ships off clients. To the degree allowed by relevant regulation, the Services are given on an “with no guarantees” and “as accessible” premise. The Company doesn’t warrant that activity of the Services will be continuous or mistake free or that the capabilities contained in the Services will meet your prerequisites. To the furthest reaches reasonable under relevant regulation, the Company explicitly disavows all guarantees of any sort, express or suggested, emerging out of the Services, including guarantees of merchantability, readiness for a specific reason, good quality, exactness, title and non-encroachment, similarity, materialness, ease of use, propriety, and any guarantee that might emerge out obviously of execution, course of managing, or use of exchange. You thus acknowledge full liability regarding any results that might emerge from your utilization of the Services, and explicitly concur and recognise that the Company will have definitely no risk concerning something very similar.

To the furthest reaches passable by regulation, the Company, its members, and its connected gatherings each renounce all obligation to you for any misfortune or harm emerging out of or due to your utilization of, failure to utilize, or accessibility or inaccessibility of the Services, including any Outsider Services; The event or presence of any deformity, interference, or postpones in the activity or transmission of data to, from, or through the Services, correspondences disappointment, burglary, annihilation or unapproved admittance to the Company’s records, programs, services, server, or other foundation connecting with the Services; or the disappointment of the Services to stay functional for any timeframe.

That, you the user is completely prohibited from undertaking any records, transactions, usage etc of the JAMATU platform for any of the illegal goods or services or prohibited products or substances which may be restricted or prohibited by local and state laws or The Laws of the Country of the user and in case you the user undertake any such activities the Platform shall not be liable for any actions against you the user by the Legal Machineries.  

JAMATU may, at its sole and absolute discretion:

Restrict, suspend, or terminate any User’s access to all or any part of JAMATU or JAMATU Platform Services;

Change, suspend, or discontinue all or any part of the JAMATU Platform Services;

Reject, move, or remove any material that may be submitted by a User;

Move or remove any content that is available on JAMATU Platform;

Deactivate or delete a User’s account and all related information and files on the account;

Establish general practices and limits concerning use of JAMATU Platform;

Offer discounts to its users in form it deems fit. All such discounts shall be credited in the account of the user under separate tags/names.

Assign its rights and liabilities to all User accounts herein under to any entity (post such assignment intimation of such assignment shall be sent to all Users to their registered email ids)

In the occasion any User breaks, or JAMATU sensibly accepts that such User has broken these Terms and Conditions, or has illegally or inappropriately utilized JAMATU or the JAMATU Services, JAMATU may, at its sole and outright carefulness, and with no notification to the User, confine, suspend or end such User’s entrance to all or any piece of JAMATU Contests or the JAMATU Platform, deactivate or erase the User’s account and all related data on the account, erase any substance posted by the User on JAMATU and further, make technical and legal strides as it considers necessary.

 May grant BONUS points to its regular and credible customers as additional benefits or bonus which maybe redeemable in the way as provided by JAMATU at its discretion.

The Company reserves the right to charge convenience fee for the Services and non-payment may result in denial of Services. 

If JAMATU charges its Users a platform fee in respect of any JAMATU Services, JAMATU shall, without delay, repay such platform fee in the event of suspension or removal of the User’s account or JAMATU Services on account of any negligence or deficiency on the part of JAMATU, but not if such suspension or removal is effected due to:

any breach or inadequate performance by the User of any of these Terms and Conditions; or

any circumstances beyond the reasonable control of JAMATU.

User(s) consent to receiving communications such as announcements, administrative messages and advertisements from JAMATU or any of its partners, licensors or associates.


Intellectual Property Rights

Unless otherwise stated, JAMATU and/or its licensors own the intellectual property rights for all material on JAMATU application. All intellectual property rights are reserved. You may access this from the JAMATU application for your own personal use subjected to restrictions set in these terms and conditions

You may Not use or republish any of the data/policy/material from this application.

You may not violate the any rules or conditions of its use

For publishing or distributing any material at all regarding the slightest matter of JAMATU you would need to take permission of its owners which is mentioned in contact details at the end of this agreement.

You would be allowed to post screenshots of your win in any  in this application and nothing else shall be published or posted in any form without due permission.

JAMATU includes a combination of content created by JAMATU, its partners, affiliates, licensors, associates and/or Users. The intellectual property rights (“Intellectual Property Rights“) covers all software underlying JAMATU and the JAMATU Platform and material published on JAMATU, including (but not limited to) s, Contests, software, advertisements, written content, photographs, graphics, images, illustrations, marks, logos, audio or video clippings, Flash animation, coding(s) and the entire business strategy for 100% winning is owned by JAMATU, its accomplices, licensors as well as partners. Users may not alter, distribute, transmit, take an interest in the exchange or offer of, duplicate, make subsidiary works of, disperse, openly perform, freely show, or in any capacity misuse any of the materials or substance on JAMATU either in entire or to some degree without express composed permit from JAMATU.

Users are exclusively liable for all materials (regardless of whether freely posted or secretly transmitted) that they transfer, post, email, transmit, or in any case make accessible on JAMATU (“Users’ Content”). Every User speaks to and warrants that he/she claims all Intellectual Property Rights in the User’s Content and that no piece of the User’s Content encroaches any outsider rights. Users further affirm and attempt to not show or utilization of the names, logos, marks, names, trademarks, copyrights or intellectual and proprietary rights of any outsider on JAMATU. Users consent to repay and hold innocuous JAMATU, its chiefs, workers, associates and appoints against all costs, harms, misfortune and damage including towards prosecution expenses and direction charges, in regard of any outsider cases that might be started including for encroachment of Intellectual Property Rights emerging out of such presentation or utilization of the names, logos, marks, names, trademarks, copyrights or intellectual and proprietary rights on JAMATU, by such User or through the User’s payments or oversights.

Users hereby grant to JAMATU and its affiliates, partners, licensors and associates a worldwide, irrevocable, royalty-free, non-exclusive, sub-licensable license to use, reproduce, create derivative works of, distribute, publicly perform, publicly display, transfer, transmit, and/or publish Users’ Content for any of the following purposes:

displaying Users’ Content on JAMATU

distributing Users’ Content, either electronically or via other media, to other Users seeking to download or otherwise acquire it, and/or storing Users’ Content in a  remote database accessible by end users, for a charge.

This license shall apply to the distribution and the storage of Users’ Content in any form, medium, or technology.

All names, logos, marks, labels, trademarks, copyrights or intellectual and proprietary rights on JAMATU(s) belonging to any person (including User), entity or third party are recognized as proprietary to the respective owners and any claims, controversy or issues against these names, logos, marks, labels, trademarks, copyrights or intellectual and proprietary rights must be directly addressed to the respective parties under notice to JAMATU. .

Users agree to abide by these Terms and Conditions and all other rules, regulations and terms of use of the Website. In the event User does not abide by these Terms and Conditions and all other rules, regulations and terms of use, JAMATU may, at its sole and absolute discretion, take necessary remedial action, including but not limited to:

restricting, suspending, or terminating any User’s access to all or any part of JAMATU Services;

deactivating or deleting a User’s account and all related information and files on the account. Any amount remaining unused in the User’s  account or Winnings Account on the date of deactivation or deletion shall be transferred to the User’s bank account on record with JAMATU subject to a processing fee (if any) applicable on such transfers as set out herein; or

refraining from awarding any prize(s) to such User.

Users agree to provide true, accurate, current and complete information at the time of registration and at all other times (as required by JAMATU). Users further agree to update and keep updated their registration information.

A User shall not register or operate more than one User account with JAMATU.

Users agree to ensure that they can receive all communication from JAMATU by marking e-mails or sending SMSs from JAMATU as part of their “safe senders” list. JAMATU shall not be held liable if any e-mail/SMS remains unread by a User as a result of such e-mail getting delivered to the User’s junk or spam folder.

Any password issued by JAMATU to a User may not be revealed to anyone else. Users may not use anyone else’s password. Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their accounts and passwords. Users agree to immediately notify JAMATU of any unauthorized use of their passwords or accounts or any other breach of security.

Users agree to exit/log-out of their accounts at the end of each session. JAMATU shall not be responsible for any loss or damage that may result if the User fails to comply with these requirements.

Users agree not to use cheats, exploits, automation, software, bots, hacks or any unauthorised third party software designed to modify or interfere with JAMATU Services and/or JAMATU experience or assist in such activity.

Users agree not to copy, modify, rent, lease, loan, sell, assign, distribute, reverse engineer, grant a security interest in, or otherwise transfer any right to the technology or software underlying JAMATU or JAMATU’s Services.

Users agree that without JAMATU’s express written consent, they shall not modify or cause to be modified any files or software that are part of JAMATU’s Services.

Users agree not to disrupt, overburden, or aid or assist in the disruption or overburdening of (a) any computer or server used to offer or support JAMATU or the JAMATU’s Services (each a “Server”); or (2) the enjoyment of JAMATU Services by any other User or person.

Users agree to give complete rights to the makers of JAMATU to access their essential data such as access to calls, phones, messages, internet, IP, photos, videos, camera, gallery, Bank account number etc.

Users agree not to institute, assist or become involved in any type of attack, including without limitation to distribution of a virus, denial of service, or other attempts to disrupt JAMATU Services or any other person’s use or enjoyment of JAMATU Services.

Users shall not attempt to gain unauthorised access to the User accounts, Servers or networks connected to JAMATU Services by any means other than the User interface provided by JAMATU, including but not limited to, by circumventing or modifying, attempting to circumvent or modify, or encouraging or assisting any other person to circumvent or modify, any security, technology, device, or software that underlies or is part of JAMATU Services.

Without limiting the foregoing, Users agree not to use JAMATU for any of the following:

To engage in any obscene, offensive, indecent, racial, communal, anti-national, objectionable, defamatory or abusive action or communication;

To harass, stalk, threaten, or otherwise violate any legal rights of other individuals;

To publish, post, upload, e-mail, distribute, or disseminate (collectively, “Transmit”) any inappropriate, profane, defamatory, infringing, obscene, indecent, or unlawful content;

To Transmit files that contain viruses, corrupted files, or any other similar software or programs that may damage or adversely affect the operation of another person’s computer, JAMATU, any software, hardware, or telecommunications equipment;

To advertise, offer or sell any goods or services for any commercial purpose on JAMATU without the express written consent of JAMATU;

To download any file, recompile or disassemble or otherwise affect our products that you know or reasonably should know cannot be legally obtained in such manner;

To falsify or delete any author attributions, legal or other proper notices or proprietary designations or labels of the origin or the source of software or other material;

To restrict or inhibit any other user from using and enjoying any public area within our sites;

To collect or store personal information about other Users;

To interfere with or disrupt JAMATU, servers, or networks;

To impersonate any person or entity, including, but not limited to, a representative of JAMATU, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent User’s affiliation with a person or entity;

To forge headers or manipulate identifiers or other data in order to disguise the origin of any content transmitted through JAMATU or to manipulate User’s presence on JAMATU(s);

To take any action that imposes an unreasonably or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure;

To engage in any illegal activities. You agree to use our bulletin board services, chat areas, news groups, forums, communities and/or message or communication facilities (collectively, the “Forums”) only to send and receive messages and material that are proper and related to that particular Forum.

If a User chooses a username that, in JAMATU’s considered opinion is obscene, indecent, abusive or that might subject JAMATU to public disparagement or scorn, JAMATU reserves the right, without prior notice to the User, to change such username and intimate the User or delete such username and posts from JAMATU, deny such User access to JAMATU, or any combination of these options.

Unauthorized access to JAMATU is a breach of these Terms and Conditions, and a violation of the law. Users agree not to access JAMATU by any means other than through the interface that is provided by JAMATU for use in accessing JAMATU. Users agree not to use any automated means, including, without limitation, agents, robots, scripts, or spiders, to access, monitor, or copy any part of our sites, except those automated means that we have approved in advance and in writing.

Use of JAMATU is subject to existing laws and legal processes. Nothing contained in these Terms and Conditions shall limit JAMATU’s right to comply with governmental, court, and law-enforcement requests or requirements relating to Users’ use of JAMATU. Users may reach out to JAMATU through helpdesk if the user has any concerns with regard to a match and/or contest within Forty Eight (48) hours of winner declaration for the concerned contest.

Persons below the age of Fourteen (14) years are not allowed to participate on any of the contests, s (by whatever name called) on the JAMATU Platform. The Users will have to disclose their real age at the time of getting access into the JAMATU Platform.

JAMATU may not be held responsible for any content contributed by Users on the JAMATU.

You hereby indemnify, defend at the Company’s choice, and hold the Company, its parent organizations, auxiliaries, partners, and their officials, partners replacements, appoints, licensors, workers, chiefs, specialists, and agents, innocuous from and against any case, request, claims, legal action, misfortunes, liabilities, harms and expenses (counting, without constraint, from all harms, liabilities, settlements, expenses and lawyers’ charges) due to or emerging out of your admittance to the Services, utilization of the Services, infringement of these Terms or any encroachment by any outsider who might utilize your record with the Company, of these Terms.

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall the Company or its suppliers be liable for any special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages whatsoever (including, but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, loss of data or other information, for business interruption, for personal injury, loss of privacy arising out of or in any way related to the use of or inability to use the Service, third-party software and/or third-party hardware used with the Service, or otherwise in connection with any provision of this Terms), even if the Company or any supplier has been advised of the possibility of such damages and even if the remedy fails of its essential purpose.

Some states do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties or limitation of liability for incidental or consequential damages, which means that some of the above limitations may not apply. In these states, each party’s liability will be limited to the greatest extent permitted by law.

Governing Law

The laws of the Country, excluding its conflicts of law rules, shall govern this Terms , Conditions, Privacy Policy and Your use of the Service. Your use of the Application may also be subject to other local, state, national, or international laws.

Disputes Resolution

If You have any concern or dispute about the Service, You agree to first try to resolve the dispute informally by contacting the Company. However, in case of any other and further disputes they maybe resolved before A Sole Arbitrator which shall be appointed by JAMATU and fees and payment of the Arbitrator shall be in accordance with the Arbitration and Conciliation Act. 

Severability and Waiver


If any provision of these Terms is held to be unenforceable or invalid, such provision will be changed and interpreted to accomplish the objectives of such provision to the greatest extent possible under applicable law and the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.


Except as provided herein, the failure to exercise a right or to require performance of an obligation under this Terms shall not effect a party’s ability to exercise such right or require such performance at any time thereafter nor shall be the waiver of a breach constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach.

Translation Interpretation

These Terms and Conditions may have been translated if We have made them available to You on our Service.

You agree that the original English text shall prevail in the case of a dispute.

Changes to These Terms and Conditions

We reserve the right, at Our sole discretion, to modify or replace these Terms at any time. If a revision is material We will make reasonable efforts to provide at least 30 days’ notice prior to any new terms taking effect. What constitutes a material change will be determined at Our sole discretion.

By continuing to access or use Our Service after those revisions become effective, You agree to be bound by the revised terms. If You do not agree to the new terms, in whole or in part, please stop using the website and the Service.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about these Terms and Conditions, You can contact us:

